- decay vi
- rotten
- the body had begun to decay.
- deceit n
- cheat
- deceive vt.
- cheat
- daunt
- make (someone) feel intimidated or apprehensive: some people are daunted by technology.
- diary 牛奶店🥛
- dialy 日常的
dirary 日记
- decent
- deem (to be thought)
- the event was deemed a great success.
- desolate
- bleak
- The place is so bleak and desolate and I dont think living here is a good idea.
- devote to
- dedicate to
- discriminate v1
- (different) ~ between/from 区别
- (against) 歧视
- divert
- doze
- dwell -> (n.) dwelling
- live -> place to live
- drastic
- Strict / 极端的
- dubious
- 怀疑的
- doom
- v. 注定 / n.厄运
- dizzy
- divert
- Disgrace vt.
- make sb out of grace
- dilute
- 稀释
- dim
- 昏暗的
- drippy / damp
- 潮湿的
- diminish
- decrease
- dimension
- 角度
- drum
- 鼓/敲击
- drift
- 漂流
- disorder n.
- 混乱
- dilemma
- 窘境,困境
- diabetes
- 糖尿病
- distress
- make sb suffering
- divorce
- 离婚